At Overflow Orbits Private Limited, we understand that sometimes plans change. Whether you’re a client posting a job or a freelancer bidding for work, we strive to provide clear guidelines for cancellations to ensure fairness and transparency for all parties involved. Please review the following cancellation policy carefully:

1. Client Cancellation:

  • Cancellation of Posted Job: Clients may cancel a posted job at any time before the commencement of work. To cancel, simply navigate to your dashboard and locate the job post you wish to cancel. Click on the “Cancel Job” button and follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation. Please note that cancellation may be subject to certain fees or penalties depending on the stage of the hiring process and agreements made with freelancers.
  • No-Show Policy: In the event that a client fails to respond to communications or provide necessary information within a reasonable timeframe, freelancers reserve the right to cancel their bid or proposal without penalty.

2. Freelancer Cancellation:

  • Cancellation of Bid or Proposal: Freelancers may withdraw their bid or proposal for a job at any time before being awarded the project by the client. To cancel a bid, navigate to your dashboard and find the relevant job listing. Click on the “Withdraw Bid” button and follow the prompts to confirm your withdrawal.
  • Commitment to Projects: Once a freelancer has been awarded a project and accepted the terms, they are expected to fulfill their commitment to the best of their ability. Cancelling a project after acceptance should be done only in extenuating circumstances and must be communicated promptly and professionally to the client.

3. Dispute Resolution:

  • In the event of a disagreement or dispute regarding a cancellation, Overflow Orbits Private Limited may facilitate communication between the involved parties to reach a resolution.

4. Fee and Penalty Considerations:

  • Depending on the circumstances of the cancellation, fees or penalties may apply. These will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may include a percentage of the project’s value or other relevant charges.

5. Communication:

  • Clear and timely communication is key in the event of a cancellation. Both clients and freelancers are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication to address any issues or concerns that may arise.

6. Modifications to Policy:

  • Overflow Orbits Private Limited reserves the right to modify or update this cancellation policy as needed. Any changes will be communicated to users through our website or other appropriate channels.

By using our platform, you agree to abide by this cancellation policy. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Last updated: 13/05/2024

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